Part of Tranquil Mount Ltd, First floor, Swan Buildings, 20 Swan Street, Manchester M4 5JW
Part of Tranquil Mount Ltd, First floor, Swan Buildings, 20 Swan Street, Manchester M4 5JW
RCM Cemboard is a rigid, medium-density, high-performance cement-bonded particle board known for its strength, stability, and wood-like workability. Primarily used as an external protective sheathing board, Cemboard offers excellent acoustic properties, making it an ideal choice for sound insulation in building projects. It’s widely utilised in traditional and offsite builds and is suitable for metal and timber frame structures.
Cemboards can be installed behind various façade systems and are highly effective in acoustic floor and roof constructions. Its versatile nature and durability make it the perfect solution for projects requiring reliable external protection, strength, and soundproofing capabilities.